Insights from

the weight loss counselor

Want an inside look at what it’s like to work in weight loss?

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference on their weight loss journey.

5 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Weight Loss Efforts

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 5 ways to stay on track with your weight loss efforts - for real this time! I’ll share how to:

Think of meal planning in a way that’s not stressful or overwhelming

Listen to your body regarding what type and how much exercise to do

Create balance in your life instead of having an “all-or-nothing” mentality

Think about your relationship with food

Make yourself a priority

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the bmi chart

If you’ve ever been to a doctor’s office and were told you were overweight, it’s because they were referencing the BMI chart. It’s been around since 1832 and its what healthcare providers use currently to decide who falls into the ‘healthy weight’ category. A simple calculation using your height & weight (and that’s it.)

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Healthy at Home

Someone actually said this to me: “I’m not going to make my kids eat healthy because I don’t want to punish them if I’m on a diet.” It took me a minute to process what I had just heard & I wanted to be mindful in my response. I know that when I see people for weight loss, that space has to be free of judgment. I also understand that I’m not there to assess parenting skills but…. this gets me every time. Being healthy should not equate to punishment- if that’s how you’re thinking of it, there’s more internal work that needs to be done on your relationship with food & yourself.

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Hello! I’m Alicia, the Weight Loss Counselor

Welcome to my blog on all things

health & wellness.