Insights from

the weight loss counselor

Want an inside look at what it’s like to work in weight loss?

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference on their weight loss journey.

Healthy at Home

Someone actually said this to me: “I’m not going to make my kids eat healthy because I don’t want to punish them if I’m on a diet.” It took me a minute to process what I had just heard & I wanted to be mindful in my response. I know that when I see people for weight loss, that space has to be free of judgment. I also understand that I’m not there to assess parenting skills but…. this gets me every time. Being healthy should not equate to punishment- if that’s how you’re thinking of it, there’s more internal work that needs to be done on your relationship with food & yourself.

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Hello! I’m Alicia, the Weight Loss Counselor

Welcome to my blog on all things

health & wellness.